American Screening Corporation Debuts Reveal Premium Saliva Drug Test for Enhanced Accuracy

Ron Kilgarlin

September 5, 2024

Drug Testing has become an inevitable part in work places for       pre-employment and periodic screening. Prohibited drugs, substances of abuse and Alcohol are screened to ensure safety and security of the concern. American Screening Corporation has been playing a significant role and a torch bearer in supplying drug testing kits and medical accessories ever since its inception in 2004. Serving the clients for the past 2 decades spread over 27 countries ASC has earned the trust and good will of all its customers by providing them quality products.

ASC has introduced Reveal Premium 5 Panel Saliva Drug Test Kit and Reveal Premium 12 Panel Saliva Drug Test Kit which can detect 5 and 12 different drugs simultaneously. The sample is human saliva which can be collected very easily from any individual. The products are made up of high quality medical plastic, reliable and exhibits 99% accuracy. All the kits are tamper proof and come with a tight lid to avoid spilling and leakage. The drug testing kits are CLIA waived and FDA (510K) approved. The speciality of these kits is they can be used anywhere by anyone without the assistance of a medical professional.

Let us explore the special features, benefits, administration of drug test, the working of these kits and the analysis of the result in detail.

About American Screening Corporation

American Screening Corporation is founded by the great visionary and philanthropist Ron Kilgarlin with the main motive of making drug testing easy and affordable by everyone. Ever since 2004, ASC has grown, winning the trust and satisfaction of its potential customers.

American Screening Corporation strives to fulfil its Mission, “We pledge to give you the ultimate in customer service and product support to meet your Drug Test, Point of Care and Medical Supply needs.” ASC holds its core values of Inspirational, Disciplined, Accountable, Execution, Aligned and Transparency to be the supreme ideal.

The speciality of ASC is keeping in pace with the recent trends and modern technology to cope up with the demands of the time. ASC’s Pregnancy Testing Kits and Ovulation Kits are much sought out for the reliability of the result. Similarly the Xylazine Testing Strips and Fentanyl Testing Strips are very much in demand. ASC’s Mega Cups Drug Testing Kits are designed according to the need of its customers and updated as per the emerging technology.

The main reason why ASC’s drug testing kits and medical supplies are in high demand is because of its accuracy and the correct result it gives. The next main aspect is they are very user friendly and cost friendly and available in different specification and packages according to the requirement of the customer.

The Reveal Premium Saliva Drug Test

Reveal Premium 5 Panel Saliva Drug Test Kits and Reveal Premium 12 Panel Saliva Drug Test Kits are introduced by American screening Corporation with enhanced accuracy, reliability and supreme quality material.

Reveal Premium 5 Panel Saliva Drug Test Kits screen for Cannabinoids (THC), Cocaine, Amphetamines, Opiates and Methamphetamines.

Reveal Premium 12 Panel Saliva Drug Test Kits screen for Cannabinoids (THC), Cocaine, Amphetamines, Opiates, Methamphetamines, Phencyclidine, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Methadone, Oxycodone, Buprenorphine and Alcohol.

These Saliva drug tests offer a very good alternative for the most common Urine drug test.

Reveal Premium 5 Panel Saliva Drug Test Kit is available at a relatively low cost of $2.99 each and a package of 50 is offered for just $74.63.

Reveal Premium 12 Panel Saliva Drug Test Kit is available at a relatively low cost of $4.65 each and a package of 50 is offered for just $116.25.

Salient Features of Reveal Premium Panel Saliva Drug Test Kits:

  • Detects up to 12 various drugs at the same time
  • Exhibits 99% accuracy and high reliability
  • Made up of high quality medical grade plastic
  • Gives quick instant results
  • User friendly with simple instructions
  • Has a relatively lower cost
  • Non-invasive sample collection
  • Used in different locations including home
  • Compared to other specimen like blood, urine, hair and sweat, oral saliva drug test is relatively convenient because they are less invasive, user friendly, quick and efficient and are mostly used in on-site workplace oral swab drug testing.

Procedure for Saliva Drug Test

The swab stick consists of a sponge or absorption pad which is placed inside the mouth along the gums and tongue for about 3 minutes. Then the swab stick is removed from the mouth and kept inside the receptacle for 5 minutes. If there is only one coloured line in the control region the result is positive and the candidate has consumed drug. If there are two coloured lines, one in the control region and one in the testing region, then the result is negative and no drug is detected in the mouth swabs.

If the result is positive, then it should be sent to a medical laboratory to confirm the presence of abused substances in the saliva. The confirmation is done by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry in the laboratory.

Enhanced Accuracy and Benefits

Reveal Premium Panel Saliva Drug Test Kits are enhanced with advanced technology which does not allow for any discrepancy. The accuracy is 99% and there is no chance of wrong results or confusion of result analysis. Hence there is no occurrence of false positive or false negative results.

The mechanism applied in Reveal Premium Panel Saliva Drug Test is    Capillary Action. During testing the saliva specimen moves upward by capillary action. If the drug is below the cut-off level, it will not saturate the antibody’s binding sites. Hence the antibody undergoes reaction with the drug protein conjugate and forms a coloured line in the testing region. This indicates that the result is Negative.              On the other hand if the drug is above the cut-off level, it will saturate all the binding sites of antibody and no reaction takes place. Hence no coloured line is formed in the testing region and the result is Positive.

Reveal Premium Panel Saliva Drug Test exhibits lot of benefits and advantages. The first one is, sample collection is non-invasive, very comfortable without requiring a private room. The next great merit is     it is easily conducted even at home without the help of a medical assistant. The instructions are very simple to follow. Another advantage is the visual indicator reveals the presence or absence of coloured lines and there is no confusion in analyzing the results. Above all the saliva test can be easily carried out anywhere by Staffing Agencies, Companies, Medical Centres, Schools, Colleges, Educational Institutions, Research Centres, Rehabilitation Centres, Prisons, Jails, Sports Agencies, Shelters for disabled and elder people, Courts, Advocates and Youth Juvenile Centres.

Comparison with Other Drug Testing Methods

When Reveal Premium Panel Saliva Drug Test is compared with other traditional tests it shows that it is more sought out. In the case of a Urine Drug Test the collection of sample requires a private room and it is not comfortable. Careless handling of urine sample can cause infection and contamination. Also dilution and adulteration of urine sample is possible whereas in the case of a saliva test dilution is not possible and the sample is unadulterated.

In the case of a Blood Drug Test the sample collection itself is very painful and not comfortable. Also it requires a medical professional or a trained person to collect the blood sample carefully. Above all the blood drug test can be carried out only in the laboratory. Also the results cannot be interpreted by anyone, but only a lab technician can analyse the results.

In the case of a Hair Drug test, it requires a laboratory instrument to conduct the test and interpret the result. It cannot be carried out at home since the procedure is not simple. Above all it requires a trained medical professional to administer the test.

All these factors provide saliva drug test a cutting edge over the other traditional drug tests. Above all the saliva drug tests are very economical to carry out.

Real-World Applications

Reveal Premium Panel Saliva Drug Test is mostly used in work places for pre-employment drug testing. It is very dangerous if the workers consume drugs and alcohol and report to work. Therefore Drug testing is conducted before appointing a candidate and also after a long leave break. After accidents also saliva drug testing is conducted to verify if the employee has consumed drugs. Also this test is used for periodic drug testing, random drug testing and surprise drug testing.

In health care also Saliva drug tests are often used to check whether the patient has consumed drugs or under constant addiction. In rehabilitation centres also it is highly mandatory to check periodically if the  patient has consumed prohibited drugs.

Law enforcement Agencies use saliva drug test for legal affairs, accidents, and divorce cases and in prisons, jails and paroles to screen for drugs.

Moreover educational institutions like schools, colleges and universities conduct drug testing periodically. Sports academy also conducts Reveal Premium Panel Saliva Drug Test for screening athletes and sports personalities to check if they have injected steroids to enhance their efficiency.

Reveal Premium Panel Saliva Drug Test has helped parents to verify whether their teenage children have taken drugs. Also it is of potent use to correct candidates in rehabilitation centres back to drug free healthy life.

Future Outlook

Ron Kilgarlin is of the great vision that in future all types of drug testing will be enhanced and nurtured by Artificial Intelligence Technology. This new trend will take drug testing to another level where laboratories may not be needed and the results would be 100% accurate. That will mark a remarkable mile stone in the area of Drug Testing and Patient care.

Artificial Intelligence Technology would definitely be used in diagnosis, prescription and dosage of drugs, treatment, patient appointments, patient care and counselling. Certainly the new trend in drug testing would be a great boon to all medical fields apart from construction and transportation industries.

Adapting AI in manufacturing drug testing kits, medical supplies and accessories is the next step to be adapted by American Screening Corporation which will make drug testing not only easy but also very convenient and reliable.


In a nut shell Reveal Premium Panel Saliva Drug Test Kits by American Screening Corporation has lot of benefits, merits and advantages due to its high quality, reliability and almost 100% accuracy. Moreover ASC’s drug testing kits can be even used at home by anyone and it does not require any special training.

Moreover American Screening Corporation offers attractive discounts on all their products.

For bulk ordering and volume discounts please call us at (866) 526-2873 or email us at [email protected]

Visit our website and our customer care team will help you to select the drug testing needs and medical supplies as per your need and specification. Visit for convenient ordering.