Transforming Addiction Treatment: Ron Kilgarlin’s Groundbreaking Insights at Cape Cod Symposium

Ron Kilgarlin

September 21, 2024


Addiction treatment is an ever growing and challenging area since the number of people getting addicted to harmful drugs, alcohol and substances of abuse are on the rise. This increase is in an alarming rate and not only the industry but also the community and family are affected by drug addiction. Hence it has disturbed the equilibrium of the community and relationships more than ever. It is high time the researchers and medical professionals consider this issue seriously and provide the best possible solution.

The Cape Cod Symposium is one such forum which unites people together to overcome the challenge of drug addiction. The symposium was conducted for 4 days where experts presented new treatment strategies for addiction.

Ron Kilgarlin is the great visionary and founder of American Screening Corporation in the year 2004 at Shreveport. Serving the satisfied customers for more than 2 decades in 27 countries, ASC has supplied them with drug testing kits and medical needs. Round the clock ASC strives to identify the drug addicted people through their various drug testing products and provides counselling and rehabilitation to such people to treat them for addiction and relieving them.

Ron Kilgarlin strongly believes that with Artificial intelligence and recent sophisticated technologies it is possible to bring out the drug addicted people from their addiction and show them a progressive path.

Background of Ron Kilgarlin

Ron Kilgarlin graduated from Louisiana State University in the year 1996 and he founded American Screening Corporation since he was passionate about helping others and serving humanity through his medical firm. Currently he is the CEO of ASC and keen in contributing his might to his Shreveport community along with his wife Shawn through his medical camps, campaigns and lectures. Ron Kilgarlin and his wife have published the book “Past Tense!- 365 Ways to Put Stress Behind you for Good!”

Ron Kilgarlin has conducted medical camps and drug testing in various concerns around Louisiana to identify and help people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol and brought out many schemes to rehabilitate them to normal drug free life.

The Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders

The Cape Cod Symposium is dedicated to the cause of treatment to drug addiction. It is a congruence of national and influential experts and leaders who present the most effective strategies for addiction treatment. It is a wonderful opportunity where likeminded people converge together to learn more about behavioural health and noteworthy changes and latest trends in addiction treatment.

The Key themes and Topics covered in the symposium are furnished below:

  • Using Energy Psychology to Rapidly Restore Balance and Treat Trauma
  • Chair work Psychotherapy: Using the Four Dialogues in Substance Use Psychotherapy
  • Ethics for Mental Health Professionals who Work in Addictions: A Case-Based Conference
  • Healing the Attachment Wound at the Heart of Addiction: A Theoretical and Practical Perspective on Connection-Inspired Care
  • Navigating the Maze of Trauma: A Map for Healing Along the Road to Addiction Recovery
  • The Final Showdown: A Theoretical Explanation of a Hope vs. Motivation in the Treatment of Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
  • The Power of Plasticity: Paving New Neural Pathways for Recovery
  • Contingency Management: An Evidence-Based Behavioral Intervention for Treating Stimulant Use Disorder
  • Xylazine: An Overview of the Substance and Why Did it Become So Prevalent?
  • Diagnosis and Management of Infections Associated with Substance Use Disorders and Associated Behaviors
  • A Novel Inpatient Treatment Unit Dedicated to First Responders and Frontline Workers: Substance Use Recovery and Life Skills In and Out of Uniform
  • Compassion Fatigue and Families Struggling with Addiction and Trauma. It’s a real thing!
  • Understanding Cannabis-Induced Psychosis: Risks, Challenges, and Treatment Approaches
  • Animal Assisted Therapy: An Evidence Based Approach to Substance Abuse Treatment
  • The Role of Cortisol in Recovery and Generational Addiction
  • Co-occurring Disorders in Young Adults: Common Issues in Treatment
  • First Responders: Trauma Exposure, Moral Injury, and Considerations for Treatment
  • Family of Origin Psychotherapy with Individuals and Families Addressing Addiction(s)
  • Harm Reduction and Recovery: Building Healthy Communities
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Alcohol and Drug Addiction: Skills and Strategies for Emotional Regulation, Recovery and Relapse Prevention – Part 1
  • The 4th Edition of the ASAM Criteria and the Future of Addiction Care
  • Increasing Counselor Effectiveness and Outcomes Using Principles of Motivational Interviewing and Positive Psychology
  • Achieving Compliance High Reliability-A 12 Step Behavioural Health Framework (No CEs)
  • The Trifecta Challenge: Pre-Treatment Intervention for Patients with Co-Occurring Eating, Substance Use, and Mental Health Disorders
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy for Alcohol and Drug Addiction: Skills and Strategies for Emotional Regulation, Recovery and Relapse Prevention- Part 2
  • Alleviating Guilt and Shame through Self-Compassion
  • The Pinocchio Plague: Managing Dishonesty in Treatment
  • In Vino Veritas: The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Substance Use
  • Additional Complications in NOWS Neonates Related to Prenatal Exposure to Xylazine
  • Bottom of Form

This symposium was attended by 1200 delegates, 60 expert speakers and 49 educative sessions which brought together the best solution and technology in addiction treatment which turned out to be a great eye opener and boon for medical professionals.

Kilgarlin’s Key Insights and Innovations

Kilgarlin shared his lofty ideas and technology which could be used in addiction treatment to more than 300 professionals.

He highlighted the experiences and the difficulties encountered by rehabilitating professional and how Artificial Intelligence can be the answer for the future solution. Briefing about Chatbots, the robots using AI, to solve many a problem encountered in the treatment of drug addicted individuals. These digital health interventions are certainly a mile stone to extend a quick and reliable service to the affected people. AI would be the relevant solution for people under drug and alcohol to overcome many a barrier such as Drug related stigma which discourages the patients from seeking medical help and Drug delivery problems to remote areas.

Moreover Ron is of the idea that Medical Counselling could be provided by Chatbots in drug and alcohol addiction. Though this is a revolutionary idea that replacing Human Counsellors with Chatbots, tasks like Assessment and Referral by Chatbots are on the increase in clinical practice. Moreover patient appointments and regular care can be assigned to Chatbots using AI. But many factors like affordability and possibility using recent technology should be discussed in detail before implementing them for addiction treatment and care.

Entrusting Chatbots with AI was discussed in detail with a group of clients and counsellors and a qualitative data was derived. The conclusion was, though Chatbots can do a wonderful job in counselling and patient care, they lack the most crucial element of Human Empathy. While sharing information clients felt it would be very easy to share their feelings with a human counsellor rather to a Chatbot. But Ron Kilgarlin is of the deep opinion that AI can be still used in Screening, Triage, Referral and Appointments. Whatever may be the shortcoming or limitation of using Chatbots, it is agreed that certainly they are very beneficial in this digital treatment and care of the patients using AI technology. It is no doubt that Chatbots are revolutionizing the area of medical care in many ways.

Impact on Addiction Treatment

Ron Kilgarlins idea of engaging AI technology Chatbots is a real eye opener that they can offer round the clock services that no human being can offer. Diagnosis of the patient’s mental tendency towards drug and alcohol, treatment plans, medicines for the patients, caring, fixing his regular appointments, maintaining the recovery record, counselling and other general routines can be effectively looked after by Chatbots continuously without any rest. This particular aspect gives Chatbots an edge over human assistance.

Ron Kilgarlin believes that what is to be done is giving proper education and training to medical professionals how to equip a Chatbot for all the medical care it should offer. Moreover regular monitoring and supervision is required to check whether all the duties of Chatbot are discharged efficiently. In this way we can minimise the strain and burden of human assistants in addiction treatment.

Reactions and Feedback

Ron Kilgarlin’s thoughts and insights were widely accepted and appreciated. Everyone agreed that the future for addiction treatment lies in the current Artificial Technology and digital remedies are the hope for the long run. The role of Chatbots in diagnosis, treatment, medicine plans and patient care was widely understood. The next topic of concern was how to implement AI in patient care and counselling. The clients as well as counsellors appreciated Ron Kilgarlins view points and his initiative in creating a drug free community and helping those who are in need of rehabilitation.

Ron Kilgarlin’s ASC supplies Urine Drug Testing Kits, Saliva Drug Testing Kits, Blood Drug Testing Kits, Sweat drug testing Kits, Hair Drug Testing Kits, Alcohol Dip Strips, Xylazine Test Strips and Fentanyl Test Strips to identify the regular drug and alcohol abusers. Moreover ASC provides medical accessories and supplies to augment these drug tests. Ron Kilgarlin offers attractive discounts and offers on drug testing kits that anyone can purchase them with ease and comfort.

For bulk ordering and volume discounts please call us at (866) 526-2873 or email us at [email protected]

Future Directions

Based on Ron Kilgarlin’s insights, future research is required to know in which area Artificial Technology can be implemented and also to find out where Chatbots can be effectively utilized in addiction treatment. The need of the hour is working out a successful strategy to make the best use of Chatbots in almost in all areas of diagnosis and treatment to drug addicted patients.

The future development requires Chatbots contribution including the dosage of medicine to individuals as per their medical reports to maintaining their appointments and counselling. Ron Kilgarlin has invited medical professionals to explore new possibilities and approaches to apply Artificial Technology in all areas of medical treatment.


It is remembered with respect Ron Kilgarlin’s contribution in the field of drug testing and also for supplying medical accessories at relatively low cost. His involvement in community development was appreciated and his vision on future medicines and modern technology was given much importance. In short Ron Kilgarlin’s role in Addiction treatment was well received by both clients and counsellors.